Guild wars 2 free trial limitations
Guild wars 2 free trial limitations

guild wars 2 free trial limitations

The only slight irritation about the UI has been since the addition of the player wardrobe feature, as it has added more options to the hero panel that was already pretty full to begin with. Most of the pages a player will need to look at are located in tabs on the Hero panel, such as armour, personal story quests, achievements and so-forth. The UI in the game is fairly straight forward. When you level your character up, the addition of more talents and traits allows you to build a great diversity of different types of character and playstyles, added to by the diversity of gear choices. However as I played the game more, I forgot all about it, only noticing it when a new player might mention it.

  • Traits – at certain levels, you gain talent points, the ones you choose will buff your slot and weapon skillsĪt first the weapon skills can seem a bit restrictive, especially since you cannot switch the places of the different skills within your toolbar as you can in other games.
  • Slot Skills – as you level up, you get skill points to spend on skills to add to your toolbar.
  • guild wars 2 free trial limitations

  • Weapon Skills – different weapons give you different skills.
  • guild wars 2 free trial limitations

    The skills your character can get are split up into three different areas. The skills in the game are a little different to other mmos and rpgs I have played. In this aspect Guild Wars has outdone itself, because there are literally thousands of variations, and in general, no two characters I have met have ever looked alike. No matter what items you put on, you can change their appearance and colour if you have unlocked armour/weapon skins of that type and have charges (got through story quests etc) to do so. What else is customizable in the game is your clothing/armour. There is a fairly good customization of your character available at the start of the game in terms of the face, hair, body-build skin-tone etc, though more variety would be welcome (and is actually available with special items in the game later for editing). Each race will start in their own local map, and have personalized story quests that give insight into each of the races as well as help build immersion for the player. There are five different races in the game, Human, Charr, Sylvari, Asura, and Norn, and each look different, as well as having their own character animations that change the feel of how each of the races play. When first creating a character in the game, you will find that there are many options for you to choose from. You get a game that has lots of content, and other than the retail price copy of the game, you get to play it for free. Putting it simply, Guild Wars 2’s free-to-play system works. How does the game make their money then? Many people will pay for gems for the convenience to buy something they want now. However, you can also trade in-game gold for gems, so if a player plays long enough, and saves their in-game gold, they can get the same items that a player that spends real-life cash can. All the cash shop items are sold in gems. If you want something from the cash shop, you spend your money and you buy a pack of gems. You want some fluff items for fun? Yup, you can buy those. You want some nice armour skins? You can buy those to. You want more bank space? Sure, you can buy gems and get more. There are no adverts, there are no insidious prompts within quests to buy from the game store, there is no requirement to purchase things in order to get quests or achievements done, there are no items for sale that give you an advantage in combat.Īll they sell in the shop are fluff items, and items that make the game a bit easier to play. I would not know, playing this game, that is free-to-play. However, readers may be pleased to hear that out of all the different free-to-play games I have tried, Guild Wars is undoubtedly done the best. Guild Wars 2 is a free-to-play game, and free-to-play games have a rather (read: very) bad reputation.

    guild wars 2 free trial limitations

    I am going to focus mainly on the PvE content of the game, since I do not engage in the other aspects and cannot therefore comment much about it. Part of this is because I find it difficult to absent myself enough to make an unbias review of a game when I am playing it so much, but I will do my best here to give some basis for others to decide if this is the game for them. For all the posts I have done, I have actually never posted about the game that I play the most Guild Wars 2.

    Guild wars 2 free trial limitations